GS-Products CollecStar CS9000 Long Reach
The CollecStar CS9000’s long reach and narrow lift system is exclusively available with our route-proven horizontal eject unload body. This safe and stable arm system is designed with an easy-to-maintain lift/dump motion. Other low maintenance features include a simple electrical system that requires no air limit, or proximity switches on lift mechanism. There is no need for PLC or computer control of lift or packer.
Available In:
- 13 to 37 Cubic Yard Capacity on Single Stream Body
- 24 to 38 Cubic Yard Capacity on 60/40 Split Body
Constructed for Maximum Durability: The CS9000 features our route-proven continuous pack, eject unload, non-telescopic body platform on a straight frame chassis. Floor, roof, and sides are constructed with seamless Hardox 450 Steel. Versatile container-friendly design for 32, 48, 64 and 96 gallon containers. Available with a 3.8 to 6 cubic yard hopper (6 cubic yard/minute displacement at 1200 R.P.M.) with a cover/crusher panel.
Easy to Maintain: The CS9000 offers a cost effective single section cast iron gear pump at 34 G.P.M. Nylatron® non-tube wear guides on horizontal slides (replaceable without track disassembly).
Maximum Productivity and Safety: Low container dump height with a shrouded hopper to reduce blown debris. Lift arm horizontal and vertical supports are centered in relationship to the hopper and the load to be lifted — this means less wear and fewer parts to be replaced. L.E.D. body and work lights along with up to four optional cameras for operator safety and ease-of-operation.
Reduced Fuel Consumption: Fuel efficient engine idle operation of lift saves not only fuel but engine wear. Meeting today’s environmental concerns with an optional Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) model or a hydraulic drive hybrid.
Best Payload for Supreme Productivity: Our unique body is designed to collect more and meet legal payloads. It’s also designed for safe and easy horizontal unloading without the need for multi-stage cylinders.
Built with seamless Hardox® 450 steel:
- Body floor, sides and roof
- Hopper floor and sides
- Packer guides, track and shoes